Author: selena1111

English riddles

Here are some riddles to entertain you and activate your right brain half 🙂

The answers are below the riddles!

  1. What runs all around a backyard, yet never moves?
  2. What goes through cities and fields, but never moves?
  3. What invention lets you look right through a wall?
  4. Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
  5. Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?
  6. What is the center of Gravity?
  7. I have no legs. I will never walk, but always run. What am I?

Mind maps

Below are the mind maps that were created by the B1 course.

Please note that although the classes are not taking place right now, I will continue posting in this blog.

Mind map laptop
Mind map smartphone
Mind map camera

A1: 12.03.2020

Review Homework.

Common mistakes:

He is was born in the USA.

She was born on January 3, 1983.

He is an actor and a singer.

He is a portuguese Portuguese (nationality!) football player.

He got married in 1990. He married his wife in 1990.

He lives in the USA. I live in the USA.

Michael Jackson’s parents live in the USA.

They are friends. Their names are Jane and Mary.

Review Phonetic Alphabet (cards)

Saying the time

What time is it?

Image result for clocks

Image result for clocks

Image result for clocks

Image result for clocks

Image result for clocks

Image result for clocks

Image result for clocks

Image result for clocks

p. 32, ex. 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b

p. 33 ex 5a

Simple Present – p. 140 §8


Study Present Simple. Do the exercises from the handout

Download the handout

B1: 12.03.2020

Do not forget to hand in the homework – description of a place of worship

Review: Past Simple – Passive Voice (Grammar Sheets)


Additional: DOWNLOAD MATERIAL: Passive Voice -2

Play Noughts & Crosses Game (p. 35, Ex. 7) – in pairs

Devices, p. 36

Groups of 3 – each group selects one device.

1a – Discussion in groups

1b, 1c – Make mind maps on the whiteboard or a flip chart.

2a Discussion with the teacher (for this exercise, only pay attention to the verbs)

2b add the VERBS from both columns to your mind map

Examples of mind maps:


2c, choose any device you know (can be a household appliance) and create a mind map for it. (You will present it to another student during the next class)

To find words for your mind map, you can use:


Homework: Hand-in the description

Phonetic Alphabet p. 164 +cards

Numbers: p. 12 play the game (in pairs)

Match the years and the events:

The American Revolution1517-1648
The Reformation1989
The Life of Jesus of Nazareth1440
Fall of Berlin Wall1775-1783
The Life of Muhammad1 AD – 33 AD
The Life of the Buddha570 AD – 630 AD
World War I1492
Gutenberg’s Printing Press 563 BC- 400 BC
Discovery of America1914-1918

p. 31 ex. 1a-2b.

Homework: p. 37 Ex 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b.


Review phonetic alphabet


p. 33 (Homework) First listen to the text, then retell the text to the partner.

More information about Mumtaz Mahal:

p. 34 ex. 4a-4d

p. 149 (Passive Voice: Present and Past)

p. 35 x. 5a, 5b, 5d, 6a, 6b, 6c

Homework: p.35 5c, write about the Lotus Temple OR about any other place of worship (a cathedral, a church, a shrine, a mosque, a synagogue, etc.). Hand in your story in during the next class.